Home Workout Motivation Tips Understand Strength Training From Depth

Understand Strength Training From Depth


We always get pop-ups or emails regarding daily workouts. It mainly says physical activity is essential for everyone to have a healthy life but we generally think of walking, running, and cycling. These are all aerobic exercises that are alone not sufficient. Studies have repeatedly proved that strength training has its own set of benefits. In this article, the positives of strength training will be shown.
Muscle strengthening exercises are known as resistance training or simply strength training. It uses bodyweight, dumbbells, push-ups, and exercise bands. The good news is – this can be done even at home, going to the gym is not compulsory and also costly pieces of equipment are not mandatory. Many studies over thirty years showed that strength training improves muscle mass, bone density, controls blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. It provides us with a lot of energy to perform our daily activities and think critically while reducing depression and anxiety.
Studies have also proven that strength training reduces the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity. Strength training has long-lasting benefits and even after shifting to aerobic exercises after many years of resistance training, they are prominent. Aerobic exercises like swimming and jogging cannot protect against age-related diseases like sarcopenia, also known as muscle wasting, cognitive malfunction, and physical fitness.
Even if we get complete knowledge about all the benefits, we are not that motivated to lift weights. Some do not lift weights at all and some don’t do it enough. A study, across many countries, was done, which showed only twenty-five percent population does strength training thrice a week. Australia has ranked the lowest in doing any kind of exercise.
The fewer number of people doing strength training as compared to aerobic exercises maybe because of its less famousness. Aerobic exercises had been included in the guidelines for more than fifty years and strength training is lesser than a decade. Therefore, it is considered forgotten or neglected by health scientists. Other reasons responsible for strength training’s unfamiliarity among people are –
▪ Needs a basic understanding of reps and sets.
▪ Sometimes needs equipment like barbells and dumbbells.
▪ Requires motivation to perform challenging tasks like squats, push-ups, and lunges.
▪ Fear of judgment, fear of muscle gain, and the fear of injury.
Unlike any other form of workout, strength training can be easily done at home without any such equipment. This is very helpful in times of COVID-19 pandemic when people are house arrested. Even if you have just started doing strength training, you will be seeing amazing benefits immediately. The guidelines recommend putting stress on major muscle groups twice a week – legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen, back, and chest. Exercises like push-ups, lunges, squats, dumbbells will be included.

Many people prefer aerobic exercises over strength training’s and some find aerobic exercises very unpleasant and difficult. But aerobic exercises combined with strength training has proven to be a perfect duo for great outcomes. If the government creates awareness regarding this then most people will trust it without a single doubt. The government should make it affordable for normal people to access fitness centers, trainers, and equipment. Media uplifting this matter would also challenge the negatives like muscle gain through strength training which is a stereotype. Anything is possible if we work together for a better future, the alone government cannot do all the things over a night.
Strong muscles are essential for a healthy body and a healthy mind. Strength training is the one solution for many big problems. But if this is done in the wrong way it will harm you instead of benefitting you. Keep track of your workout and follow the instructions –

✔ Warming up and cooling down is a must and should be done properly.
✔ Do the lifting properly in a correct way which will avoid injuries. To learn the proper form, you can do a class or fix a trainer.
✔ Breathe out while lifting or pushing and breathe in while releasing the load. If you hold the breath while lifting it may cause a Valsalva maneuver which is a sudden increase in blood pressure and is risky for people with heart problems.
✔ Never keep your joint straight while lifting, keep it a little bend in the elbows and knees.
✔ Don’t be over-excited for results that you lift too much or exercise for a longer duration and hurt yourself. You should get rest of a minimum of forty-eight hours before strength training again.
✔ If you are sick, you should give yourself rest and when you come back to workout, use lighter weights till you regain your strength.
✔ If you feel pain anywhere while strength training, you should stop doing it immediately. Follow a range of motion and increase it with time, not suddenly.
✔ Don’t strain your body too much. Listen to it and stop if you can’t finish a series of workout, feel like fainting, joint pains, and even if you feel tired.
Those who all are interested to do strength training full-fledged should consider the following techniques –
● Bodyweight: This is the most common type that everyone does. The point of advantage is that your body is available anytime and anywhere and also it is equally effective. Consider push-ups, lunges, squats, pull-up, and plank.
● Resistance tubing: It is an inexpensive light-weighted tubing that provides stress while stretching. You can anyone from your nearest sports store.
● Weights: Bars and dumbbells are the most commonly used. These are not much heavy but provide the required stress on the particular muscle which makes them ideal for home workouts. If you don’t have them, you can consider buying or simply use water cans in both your hands as dumbbells and do arm curls.
● Weight machines: Every gym or fitness center has a variety of machines that help resistance training. You can buy them too but not everyone can afford them, so they have to visit gyms.
You don’t have to spend many hours lifting weights. You have to practice strength training for two-three twenty-thirty minutes sessions in a week. All improvements are not visible quickly, some of them will be appearing while some others will come over with time. Lean muscle mass reduces with age and fat increases. So, you have to keep patience with your results.

Here is a very great combo work out –
