Home Strength Training Muscle-Building Guide For Beginners

Muscle-Building Guide For Beginners


If you don’t do strength training then what are you waiting for start today! Exposed muscles are much more than looking attractive and strong it has many benefits of health. Starting from strong bones reduces chances of injury, fastens metabolism, and much more.
Don’t know how to begin? We are here to show you and help with those starting from creating a good routine to choosing what fits you. Then what are you still thinking of? Wear your workout outfit. Let’s get this!
Wait! Before you start lifting any weight first learn HOW lifting a weight helps you get those beautiful pumped up muscles. To start gaining muscles you have to first damage those muscle fibers – said personal trainer Pete McCall.
When a muscle gets damaged, myosatellite cells are triggered and then they rush to the area to triage all the damaged fibers, which results in the formation of stronger muscles.
Two types of muscle fibers are found – One; slow-twitch, two; fast-twitch. They differ by the way of generating power.
• Slow-twitch : these muscles fibres are build for activities like cycling long distance , running and are naturally aerobic, which means, relating to improve the intake of oxygen to work out for a longer period.
• Fast-twitch : these muscles fibers are built for sudden activities like weight lifting, sprinting, and are anaerobic which means they produce energy without oxygen. In comparison to slow-twitch muscle fibers these muscle fibers tire out much faster – that is why you can’t sprint for long.
Strength training exercises work on the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which causes the size of the muscle and the definition – said by exercise nutritionist, Jim white. If building muscles and toning them is what you are concentrating on, then you have to work on your fast-twitch muscle fibers.
Now that you have learned the reason behind the growth of muscle, it’s time to set the goal of yours and to keep a stable plan for your body. Would you like to have biceps that would be able to tear shirts off in other words hulk-like? Or would you like to have lean legs and arms? To get the best program for your body will be based on your goal.
Someone who wants to get bulky and big should focus on giving priority to the single-joint, exercises which can be done in alone while if someone wants to focus on overall growth should focus on the compound exercises – said McCall.

Single joint, exercises that can be done helps you in targeting a single muscle and it really works in damaging the muscle – when you are weight lifting you can’t complete another rep literally, explained by McCall.

Working to damage muscle allows you to damage much more, both slow-twitch and fast-twitch it result in the major growth of muscle which is known as hypertrophy after repairing the specific muscle group.
Weight lifter should choose their weights which allows them to complete 5 sets of 5 to 10 reps with a break of 2 minutes.
The focus should be on compound movement, which combined two exercises in one flow. Compound exercises help in gaining more muscles all over the body which breaks down more muscles henceforth helps in gaining strength overall.
As compound exercises work on multiple joints and different muscle groups at a time which results in a breakdown of more muscles in a short time.
As a noob, you may wonder how long will it take to have visible results ? Well , it can take 6 to 10 weeks to actually see the results in the size of your muscles. But stay stable with your strength training routine, and compliments will start coming in no time!
If you don’t notice any changes in three months then you should check your diet critically.
To reach your goal faster, you have to increase what you do overtime. One who adds loads over time to time including healthy eating, rest, and hydration can only get you to your goal faster.
That is the reason you should work out with a certified trainer even if it’s for 2 to 3 sessions you learn a lot from them.

Your workout should be based on your age, level of fitness, quality of sleep, stress level, and nutrition. For beginners three days a week for only lifting weight is quite enough to move the needle of their hypertrophy. This gives you plenty of time, one day for full rest, one-day cardio, and also a day for recovery.
Always keep in mind that rest is the most important thing in the process of building up muscles.
Talking of recovery, when your muscles are repairing they grow stronger than before and prevent from happening the same strain again in future. It means , if you lift 20 pound dumbbells after the recovery, it won’t create the same amount of stress on your muscles as before. The amount of weight you lift should be increased only if you wish to get stronger.
To get habituated with the progressive overload principle which involves changing the amount of weight being lifted, rep scheme, the tempo of your movement, you have to choose a weight by which you can complete 5 to 8 reps. You have to add weight until you complete at least 5 reps and always remember to take 2 minutes to break between every set.
After a tiring day full of workout you need to feed yourself with two important macronutrients:- carbohydrate and protein.
Eating some carbohydrate and protein with 60 minutes of workout or sooner your breaks down the protein sources and helps to repair those damaged muscles. And the carbs are broken down into glycogen and are then stored in the muscles which are then used during workouts.

It is very important to have a balanced diet that is healthy throughout the day to help your muscles to grow. And through all these having high protein food is essential as it helps to repair the damaged muscles which helps you in having results faster.
Hey! Don’t forget about the role sleep plays in building muscles. When you’re sleeping your body produces many hormones which include muscle recovery ones too. While you are asleep your body focuses on repairing all those damaged muscle fibers.
8 hours of sleep is very important for your body if you have time during the day time have some sleep it will add to your benefits only. But remember do not workout near your bedtimes it can affect your sleep which is a minus point.

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