Home Fitness Workouts Exercises That Will Take Your Fitness To The Next Level

Exercises That Will Take Your Fitness To The Next Level


Exercise is known to increase the longevity of life, cure many illnesses, improve immunity and make you stronger. Simple practices can be the level-I of promoting weight loss but to keep losing weight, and you have to keep adding more pain to your body. Therefore, cardio and weight lifting should not be seen as separate things. When done together, they give maximum results. Now, you may get confused about when to do what.
So, you can do both alternatively. You can do cardio on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and strength training on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sunday will be an off-day to give rest to the body for recovering.
Monday and Friday: These two days, you will follow a lower body workout to tone your hips, thighs, waist, and legs.
● Sumo squat – This puts a strain on legs, inner thighs, and butt. It has to be done in three sets of fifteen reps.
Process: Stand with your legs apart with a distance of your shoulder width and pointed out your toes. Squat to your knee level, then stand back straight and drag your right leg behind your left leg(feel the strain in the inner thigh). Now, squat again, stand back, and pull your left leg behind your right leg. Keep doing this exercise with alternating legs.
● Squat with a kick – This engages your glutes, core, quads, and thigh. This has two sets of twelve brokers.
Process: Stand with your legs about a hip-distance apart and toes pointing forward. Squat into a ninety-degree angle, stand back, and now kick out your right leg in front with a straight body. Come back to the previous position and do the same with your left side. Continue with altered movements.
● Hip extension in a standing position – This workout engages your glutes, quads, inner thighs, and waist. Do this for three sets of fifteen agents.
Process: Take a chair and stand behind it with your arms holding the chair lightly. Keep the knees relaxed, and your torso bent a little forward. Now, lift your right leg a little bit off the floor, squeezing your glutes. Keep it back on the floor and repeat the same with the other leg. Do it alternatively.
● Bridge – This works on your back pain, glutes, and inner thighs. Do this for two sets and of twelve reps each.

Process: Lie down with your left ankle resting on your right knee and hands aside. Now, lift your waist to the knee, rest, and complete the reps on this side. Then, rest the right ankle on the left knee and raise your waist, come down, and complete the reps.
● Jump – This works on your butt, thigh, and hips. It has three sets of ten agents.
Process: Stand straight with your legs joint and knees bent. Now, jump onto the right side and land on your right foot slowly, immediately jump on your left side, and land on your left foot. Repeat with alternating movements.
Tuesday and Thursday: These days, you will follow an upper body workout that will strengthen your back, arms, shoulder, and neck.
● Walking push-up – This works out your core, arms, shoulder, back, and balance. Do this for three sets of fifteen brokers.
Process: Take the push-up position with your hands and legs at a distance more than shoulder width. Do a push-up and move your left hand and left leg towards your right, similarly right hand and right leg to the right, which brings you to the position in the very beginning. Again do a push-up and continue to the other side. Keep doing the alternative movements.
● High row with one arm – This targets your arms, shoulders, and upper back. This should be done for two sets of twelve agents.
Process: Stand in a split position with your right leg in front and knee bent. Take a dumbbell in your left hand and lift it to your shoulder level while resting the other hand on the right thigh. Complete the reps on this side, then do the same thing in reverse.
● Shoulder press – This one strengthens your arms and shoulders. Do three sets of fifteen proxies.
Process: Stand straight with dumbbells in your hand. Now, lift them to the shoulder level while keeping your body straight. Further, please raise your hand above your head and then bring it down slowly. Keep doing it.
● Triceps dip – This effectively works on the triceps and shoulder. You have to do it for two sets of twelve brokers.

Process: Take a chair and sit in a position so that your hands grasp the seat near your hips. Then, move forward till you are in mid-air. Stay close and lower your hips till you form a right angle in the elbow. Straighten your arms and lift your butt and complete the brokers.
● Sumo jump – It works out your inner thighs, quads, and glutes. It has three sets of fifteen reps.
Process: Stand with your legs apart by a distance of little more than the hips and toes pointed out. Sit into a squat and then jump with straight legs and bring the feet together. Now, immediately land in a squat and repeat.
Wednesday and Saturday: These two days, you will focus on your core to burn down your stubborn belly fat and get a flat belly.
● Plank twist – It works on your core, arms, and shoulder. Do three sets.
Process: Lie down in a plank position, then twist your waist to extend your left arm towards the ceiling and hold for thirty seconds. Go back to plank and hold for thirty seconds. Now, turn your core again, point your right arm towards the ceiling, hold for thirty seconds. Go back to plank and repeat the process.
● Modified crunch – It engages your core, waist, and shoulders. You have to do two sets of twelve agents.
Process: Lie down on your back with knees bent over your chest and hour hands holding the head. Lift your head and touch your left knee with your right elbow, then your right knee with your left elbow. Continue alternative movements till you complete the agents.
● Bicycle – It affects your core, waist, and legs. Do three sets of fourteen brokers.

Process: Lie down on your back with your legs lifted and knees bent, hands on your head, and shoulder lifted. Keep your core tight and touch your left knee with your right elbow. Then, touch your right knee with your left elbow and repeat the alternatives.
● Leg drop – It acts on your lower belly. You have to do two sets of twelve reps.
Process: Lower your back with hands on your head, shoulder lifted, and legs lifted straight out. Now, keep your core tight and slowly lower your legs towards the floor before your waist arch. Lift it back again and repeat.
● Mountain climber – It acts on your arms, shoulder, and core. Do this for three sets of fifteen agents.
Process: Get down in a plank position with straight arms and keep your core tight. Bring the right knee to the chest and send it back while bringing the left knee in simultaneously. Continue the alternative movement.
● ABC plank – It stresses on your arms, shoulder, and abs. It has two sets of twelve proxies.
Process: Start with a plank and keep your hands straight. Now, touch your left hand on your right shoulder and bring it back to the floor. Then, connect your right hand to your left shoulder and come back. Repeat till you complete your proxies.

Try this along with the above ones –