Home Strength Training Build Your Upper Body Today

Build Your Upper Body Today


Most people focus more on the upper body. The reason behind doing this is when looking at the mirror the first thing we notice is the upper body. Upper bodybuilding also indicates many things in society like power, strength, confidence, health, it is also known as the most attractive part when you see.
We will look into the most important exercises for muscle building in the chest area which you can apply to your workout routine and I guarantee you that you will not regret the results you will get after doing these exercises along with those you do already. Without wasting any more time let’s look into the first exercise.
To build up that muscle in your upper body we will start with a bench press. You can do this exercise on either a flat bench or with an incline bench. Take the dumbbells in both your hand and place them on your shoulder. Now, push your arms to lift them straight above your face and bring them back. The bench press is an excellent exercise to get those wanted muscles in your upper body. This not only targets the chest but also helps up in getting the shoulder and triceps muscles.
I recommend you to do it with dumbbells for the first week and then followed by heavier weight on the next week it helps your body getting used to the weight and then allows you to get heavier in a smooth manner.
Start with grabbing two dumbbells, keep your arms straight above your head and slowly lowering it to the side of your body, and then again push it above your head. Slightly bend your elbows throughout and don’t arc.
For the back of the upper bodybuilding do the deadlifts. It is one of the famous and effective exercises. It is great for building up the core muscles but doing it properly is a must otherwise accidents may occur. It is mainly used in competitions but is also considered for strength training.
It hits the hamstrings, glutes, forearms, and the back. It grows the core strength and stability. If the grip is a problem then you can also use mixed lifts and straps.
Another effective exercise with the focus on the back. Sit on a seated row bench while keeping elbows close to your body don’t forget to keep your body at 90° and pull it towards you as much as possible after few seconds release the muscles and then repeat.

To do it first sit with a straight backbone and keep your elbows back and firm. Curl your biceps in slow motion while keeping all your focus on the movement and then return to the starting position after few seconds then repeat. Every exercise should be done carefully and slowly to stay away from muscle pull and accidents.
You may do pull-ups for your biceps muscle building. Grab a pull-up bar and slowly pull yourself upwards and again with your legs sticking together. don’t forget the slow motions of doing it.
The upcoming triceps muscle-building exercise is a great and effective one. Lie on a bench while having a close grip on the bat and perform the motion just as you do in the bench press for your chest muscle building. Dip bar exercise for the triceps muscle building can be also used if you want.
Keep your chest laid on the bench throughout which will eliminate the momentum and work on the muscles. Keep the bench at forty-five degrees, grab dumbbells, and place yourself on the bench. Hang your hands straight, using your shoulders bring them towards your chest and send them back and repeat.

Select your dumbbells wisely as it becomes difficult halfway. Take position by standing straight with dumbbells in both your hands and hands on your shoulder. Slowly, lift them straight above the head and then relax.
Stand straight and grab two dumbbells in both hands. Press the shoulder blades to lift them on the sides till it is parallel to the floor then bring them back and repeat. Choose the weight carefully as it is challenging to do this continuously with shrugging the shoulder. Don’t go beyond parallel.
Stand straight with a flat foot and a shoulder-width distance. Place your arms aside and palms facing each other. Keep your face and neck straight. Breathe in and lift your shoulders as high as you can, bring them down, and exhale. In the beginning, do it without weights. Later when you are strong enough, you can use weights.
This is done using a barbell. Bend your knees and elbows a bit and stand straight. Bend forward to lift the barbell with your spine straight and keep your knees in the shoulder-width distance. Now lift it to the sternum and send it back to its previous position.

This workout can be done normally or by using dumbbells or barbells. Stand straight with your legs at a shoulder-width distance and sit in the air as if you are sitting on a chair. This exerts strain on your glutes, hamstrings, knee, and quads. Then get back up and repeat.
Let’s see a set of exercise you can do with your everyday workout
2 minutes break between sets

  • 10 bicep curls
  • 5 chest rows
  • 5 shoulder press
  • 5 lateral raises
  • 10 shrugs
  • 10 bent over row
  • 15 bench press
  • 5 flyers
  • 10 dead lifts
    ~ rest~
  • 10 seated rows
  • 10 squats
  • 10 dip bar
    You can also make your own sets. There are ways to get your attractive dense upper body muscles to build up. Above mentioned exercises are most recommended by many bodybuilders as they say it helped them in gaining good and healthy muscles for their upper body.
    You can also add them to your daily routine of workout to see the beautiful change in your body to grow just the way you wished it to be. But always remember to increase eating healthy and keep your food cravings for a while also don’t forget to get rest which is a really important thing to build up your body. Get your dream body with these few tips and tricks soon.

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